I came across an “Orthodox” blog that had these rules: no hate speech, no obscenities, no anti-religious comments, no sacreligious images. It’s awfully tempting, but no, I didn’t post anything. But I thought about posting one word: GOD. It is all these things to someone, in some way. It is hate speech: “I abhor the pride of Jacob, and hate his palaces.” It’s obscene in most environments, especially religious ones, precisely because it’s anti-religious. And it’s a sacreligious image, when we see the word and think we know what it means – when it is a concept.
The word GOD is not a name, but a word that stands for “we don’t know”. It is the recognition that incomprehensible, unknowable, without analogy or comparison, something exists but only in the sense that we do not, or else we exist in a way that God does not. The word GOD is a recognition of our unknowing, and so does not refer to anything, not really, except by means of a miracle. May GOD remove from our minds all false images.
I was tempted to leave that one-word comment, but I’m not a very bad man. I only thought about it. I was good, and left their comment section as godless as I found it. 🙂