
A church sign at a mega-church on the way to work reads “The World is Yours”. Instantly I remembered where I’d heard that before. On the mount, when Christ was being tempted. “I will give you the cities of the world…” What was the response again? “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.” Someone should put that on the sign across the street. 🙂

Flipping channels last night ran across one of those CSI programs. Common scenario – they were shaking down a religious person with a shady past. Not an Orthodox Jew or a Fundamentalist Mormon in this case, but a Buddhist. The writers’ version of a shady past? He had vandalized a nuclear power plant in his youth. The detectives were pulling out every slur in the books, “I need to check your aura” said the ‘tough lady’ as she scanned him for traces of something. The acceptable slurs are always people of anti-statist religious movements (monks have been causing the world some embarrassment in Myanmar) and anti-statist political movements (e.g. anti-nuclear activists, anti-WTO activists, etc.). If he’d been a black man and they’d said, “Dance, boy!” as they shot at the ground, there’d be blood in the streets. Whenever anyone is unjustly treated, or persecuted for faith, we are all unjustly treated and all persecuted for our Faith. May the Judgment come swiftly, and vindication.

1 thought on “Sightings”

  1. “Whenever anyone is unjustly treated, or persecuted for faith, we are all unjustly treated and all persecuted for our Faith.”

    I want to hear more about this principle. I do suspect that eventually it will become popular on television to attack God & Christianity mercilessly

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